* M U N I C H * / * M U N C H E N *
That evening, we took a short train ride to Munich. Here, we met up with Adam & Kelley! We thought it was a little strange that they’d want to hang out with us on their honeymoon, but hey (!!) - it was their idea! But, we sure are glad that we did...it was a lot of fun to spend time with them. That evening, we went and ate at this place called the Augustiner. This is where Matt had his first taste of Weisswurst, which is a white sausage that they serve with Saurkraut and a sweet mustard, senf. He loved it, but I just thought YUCK!! After dinner, we went to the infamous Hofbrauhaus. This is one of the major beer halls in Munich. We walked in and there were just TONS of people! There was a polka band and everything! We sat down at this table with two guys who were actually from Virginia! Small world! Let me tell you, everyone said that after I went to Germany, I’d love beer. Well, I still hate it. When we got there, I just asked if I could have a coke. The guy looked at me and said, “coke and beer?” They don’t serve just plain coke! Anyway, I got a radler, which is the lightest brew of beer, and which is basically half sprite and half beer. I think I took one sip only! It was a fun place to go.
The next day, we went to this place called Schloss Nymphenburg. It’s a castle that King Ludwig built and whenever he would see a beautiful girl, he would have her picture painted. The funny thing about it is that most of the girls he had pictures painted of were commoners. The idea of a king finding commoners so beautiful was like an oxymoron. All of the pictures are displayed in the “Gallery of Beauties”.
After that, we met up with Adam & Kelley and went to the BMW museum. It was so boring. Even Matt and Adam thought so. After that we went to this art museum. I don't even know the name of it...I think at this point, we were just trying to kind of kill time. Then we met up with Adam’s family and had dinner at The Ratskeller. The name sounds weird, but the food was incredible and we had THE MOST AWESOME dessert there. The best dessert was called Apple Fritters and they were so delicious. I found a recipe, so we’re going to try to make them sometime! We left the next morning and made our way to Fussen.

the train station in munich. for some reason, we ended up here a lot.

outside the augustiner - the first place matt tried weisswurst and sweet german mustard

outside the ratskeller, which is located underneath the glockenspiel

best.dessert.ever. apple fritters!

the band at the hofbrauhaus

matt and giant pretzel

outside hofbrauhaus

schloss nymphenburg (front)

the ceiling in schloss nymphenburg

back of nymphenburg

back of nymphenburg

there were a ton of swans at nymphenburg

while we were in munich, it just started snowing like crazy! here is a picture in front of the infamous glockenspiel.

outside the bmw museum

on motorcycle at the bmw museum
The next day, we went to this place called Schloss Nymphenburg. It’s a castle that King Ludwig built and whenever he would see a beautiful girl, he would have her picture painted. The funny thing about it is that most of the girls he had pictures painted of were commoners. The idea of a king finding commoners so beautiful was like an oxymoron. All of the pictures are displayed in the “Gallery of Beauties”.
After that, we met up with Adam & Kelley and went to the BMW museum. It was so boring. Even Matt and Adam thought so. After that we went to this art museum. I don't even know the name of it...I think at this point, we were just trying to kind of kill time. Then we met up with Adam’s family and had dinner at The Ratskeller. The name sounds weird, but the food was incredible and we had THE MOST AWESOME dessert there. The best dessert was called Apple Fritters and they were so delicious. I found a recipe, so we’re going to try to make them sometime! We left the next morning and made our way to Fussen.

the train station in munich. for some reason, we ended up here a lot.

outside the augustiner - the first place matt tried weisswurst and sweet german mustard

outside the ratskeller, which is located underneath the glockenspiel

best.dessert.ever. apple fritters!

the band at the hofbrauhaus

matt and giant pretzel

outside hofbrauhaus

schloss nymphenburg (front)

the ceiling in schloss nymphenburg

back of nymphenburg

back of nymphenburg

there were a ton of swans at nymphenburg

while we were in munich, it just started snowing like crazy! here is a picture in front of the infamous glockenspiel.

outside the bmw museum

on motorcycle at the bmw museum
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